Edge Life Tech Presents At The AVMA Veterinary Conference
On July 29 to August 2, 2022, Edge Life Technologies will be presenting the latest developments in ultrasound at the conference in Pennsylvania Conference Center in Philadelphia.
Applying its Silicon Valley origins, the team was able to take a six-inch, half-pound, ultrasound probe and fit an entire system right inside it. Up to three transducers, a full day’s battery, wireless cable freedom (without entangling nervous animals while tethered to a cord), and instead of setup time. Push a single button and ten seconds to power on. Dicom format and PACs transfers built right in.
Even better. Amazing image quality simply by leveraging just a fraction of the amazing computing power already inside iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. Turning complicated consoles into a familiar fast, and easy-to-use app always by your side.
And as experts in lean and agile operations, the Edge team achieved all this without the overhead the large manufacturers need to build into their pricing. Bringing the costs to the veterinary markets back in line with other modern technologies. Affordable, right where it always should be.
www.edgelifetech.com info@edgelifetech.com 786-538-5588